Conko is back - the unscary clown!
Our Conko the clown tote is back. An exclusive production for the Conko Foundation. The Conklin family gave Canadians the wonderful Canadian National Exhibition. Third generation Trish and Melissa Conklin although no longer involved with the CNE maintain the rights to the wonderful Conko logo designed by Chris Yaneff in the 60's. It does indeed look very mid century...... and Trish and Melissa are also fans of our BBB.
I just don't understand this scary clown stuff that is in the local news these days... teenagers dressing up in scary clown costumes and doing the bogeyman bordering on bullying act jumping out of the bushes and frightening the hay out of young and old I suspect. Some people do have clown phobias. Trish has always had us place the image on both sides of the bag peaking above so to speak as if to lessen any
direct in your face frightfulness.
Maybe it's the youthful age that inspires this clown mischief around Halloween. Just remember that Mary Shelley was only 19 when she wrote Frankenstein. In any event our story about the Conko bag which we first did in 2014 raised money for the charity.
Here is the original Press Release
We hope to do the same this year. We only have a limited number but the Conko Foundation also has bags for sale. Who knows, maybe Conko will need to do an encore!
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